I recently attended a Construction and Procurement Delivery (CPD) event which was held at the Stormont Estate in Belfast. The aim of this conference was to give a strong voice to members concerns over key industry issues. Over the last three years the NI Executive and civil service has retreated in dialogue with the industry. As each NI Executive department had representatives attend it was our aim to highlight the benefit of dialogue and common interest. The high-profile event involved the representatives of the alongside the leading voices from the FMB and industry stakeholders.

Key construction industry topics

Construction and Procurement Delivery (CPD) event, Northern Ireland, May 2023 2
Construction and Procurement Delivery (CPD) event, May 2023

The event was set up with the view to having the decision-makers and influencers within the industry come together for networking and presenting to the attendees. As we all know, the industry has had to adapt very quickly over the past few years to deal with ongoing and unforeseen challenges. It was great to sit through the various presentations below and hear how we all have the same end goal for our industry:

  • Climate Change Resilience / Decarbonisation of Construction Materials
  • Social Value
  • Health, Safety and Welfare (Mental Health)
  • Skills / CITB
  • Workplus – Assisting employers and apprentices
  • Conflict Avoidance Process

Our very own Gavin McGuire presented the above Health, Safety and Welfare (Mental Health) topic along with one of our members who kindly gave us all the perspective of a construction company and how he incorporates health, safety, and welfare into his own team’s day to day working environment. Their passion and the startling facts they highlighted really emphasised the need to make a change within the industry with many in the room expressing their surprise at the scale of the mental health challenge within the industry. 

There is much the sector can do to improve the mental health of people and only by a collaborative approach will change happen. It is alarming that every working day in the UK and Ireland two construction workers take their own life. The FMB are passionate about providing help for members and those within the industry to address these issues.

Additional resources and support

The presentations were well received by attendees and there was a positive consensus that we need regular forums to communicate with the key public sector decision-makers.

Those seeking more information and support for the aforementioned topics can explore the following resources:

Get in contact

If you would like to chat about any of the topics above please don’t hesitate to contact either Gavin McGuire – gavinmcguire@fmb.or.uk or, Simone McAllister – simonemcallister@fmb.org.uk.


Simone McAllister

Simone McAllister

Membership Engagement Executive , Federation of Master Builders (FMB)

Simone has over 10 years’ experience of working within the construction industry in Northern Ireland and joined the FMB in 2019. Prior to joining the FMB she worked with builders and merchants within the industry in marketing, sales, and customer support roles. Amongst her responsibilities in her role as Membership Engagement Executive for both Northern Ireland and Scotland are supporting the regional directors for both areas.