The benefits of a mandatory licensing scheme

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Remove incompetent and rogue traders 

A licensing scheme would allow the industry to enforce a basic level of competence at entry level.

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Offer a much higher level of consumer protection

Research shows that one in three homeowners have been put off doing major home improvement work for fear of hiring a cowboy builder.

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Increase construction output to boost the wider economy

Licensing would increase confidence in the industry and lead to more work being commissioned.

Three apprentices, including one woman, look at plans on a building site with a master builder.

Drive up quality, professionalism and productivity

Gaining and renewing the licence would provide a means of enabling a Continued Personal Development scheme.

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Improve health and safety compliance

Basic health and safety testing could be included an entry criterion for a licence.

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Improve the image of the industry

Increasing quality and professionalism would help attract more new entrants and ease the skills crisis.



Raising the bar



MP’s viewpoint – David Morris


Builder’s viewpoint – Melanie Fasham