You must submit a minimum of five (5) good quality photos with your nomination for the Master Builder Awards. You can upload a maximum of 10 images. Here are some tips to help you take incredible photos to make your nomination stand out to judges.

6 top tips for taking the perfect photo of your project

  1. Ensure there is good lighting when taking a photo and where possible try to use natural light to illuminate a space rather than a light switch, which can give photos an unwanted yellow glow. 
  2. Frame your photo to ensure all of the important elements of the space fit in the frame. If you are taking a photo with a person or people in it (eg for the Apprentice of the Year category), make sure you do not chop the top of their heads out of the frame. 
  3. Make sure the subject of the photo is in focus and not blurry. You may need to clean the lens of the camera first.
  4. Tidy up first to make sure the area you are photographing looks its best. Clear up anything that should not be in the photo, including washing up dishes, rubbish, dirty towels, small children and animals, to make sure your incredible work is all the judges’ notice. 
  5. If possible, submit a couple of photos showing the 'before' and 'after' of the project as it will help the judges to see the transformation. 
  6. Technical photos are good – but not too many! It’s great to include pictures of the technical aspect of the build but don’t just focus on the footings and pointing. Make sure you show off the finished result as well. Include a picture that captures the whole project, not just a detail.

The technical details of high resolution photos

  • Each image must be at least 2MB in file size to ensure the image resolution is of a good enough quality to print professionally without looking blurry or pixelated. 
  • You do not need an expensive camera to take nice photos. The latest smartphones can take high-resolution images, however, please ensure you follow the other tips in this guide to take quality photos. 
  • If you are emailing photos from a smartphone to a computer, please ensure you email them at 'actual size' to ensure you do not compress the image and reduce the resolution of the photo. 

Using a professional photographer or third party

If you did not take the photos yourself, please make sure you get permission from the photographer (whether professional or third party) to use the photos before you submit them with your nomination. Ideally, this should be written permission rather than a verbal agreement. 

Please provide the name of the photographer or their company if we are required to credit them with the photos. The FMB does not take responsibility for any issues caused as a result of publishing and distributing photos where third-party permission has not been sought before submission of a nomination. 

Disclaimer: The FMB reserves the right to use any photos submitted to the Master Builder Awards free from copyright in future marketing material and promotion of future awards.


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