The Employer Network is an initiative set up and funded by the CITB. Employer Networks are designed to bring together and support employers at a local level to inform CITB on training needs, to advise how funding should be prioritised and allocated, and to make sure local training provision meets current and future needs. By being part of the Network’s steering groups, FMB members will be able to training provision and to also suggest how the CITB levy could be used to ensure local skills needs are met now and in the future.

Purpose of the Local Employer Network Steering Group

To ensure that funding via CITB’s Employer Network is addressing the skills priorities and training provision gaps at a local level for employers adequately and effectively, the local Employer Network Steering Group will provide a forum for its members to inform and influence the way Employer Network funds provided by the CITB are spent and on what. It will ensure that funds are used fairly and meet their primary intention to encourage SMEs to engage with CITB support and do more training.

What’s the commitment?

Meetings will take place quarterly throughout the year and are likely to be combination of in-person and online, although the CITB appreciate there may be a need for flexibility. They expect the meetings to last no longer than two hours.

South West Employer Networks looking for employers to join them

There are three groups that you could join depending on your location. These are:

  • Devon and Cornwall
  • Bristol, Bath, Dorset and Somerset
  • Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

Where can I get more information?

Details of the networks and their steering groups can be found here (it also includes a role description) and if you are interested in becoming a Steering Group Member, please fill out the Expression of Interest Form below and submit it to Laurence hopes to hold the first meeting at the beginning of October 2024.

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Iain Kirtley

Iain Kirtley

Director, FMB South, Federation of Master Builders

With over 20 years’ experience of membership bodies, not for profit organisations and the private sector, Iain joined the FMB in August 2023 from the Chartered Institute of Building where he worked with construction companies of all sizes to support them with training, development and accreditation.