Spring 2024 presents members in Scotland with an abundance of opportunities to get involved with the FMB and broaden their business horizons.

2024 FMB Scotland Summer Reception, AGM and networking event

Join us on Thursday 6 June in The Merchants House of Glasgow for our free summer reception, AGM and networking event for members. The event opens from 15.30 and closes after an informal drinks reception at 19.00.

Your FMB Scotland President Alastair Raitt said “As a Musselburgh-based building contractor, I look forward to heading west to meet members at our free summer reception and AGM in Glasgow. We are all busy, so this event has been designed with members in mind. I know I will gain a lot from chatting to fellow members over a drink and in engaging with the two speakers that the FMB has booked for us. Bring some of your team along too if you can but book your free places now.

Business Growth Masterclass

Glasgow is also the host city for a free Organic Business Growth Masterclass’ for members on Thursday 2 May. Esteem Training, who are Associate Members of the FMB are running this free training from 09.30-14.30 with refreshments and a light lunch. Join us at Open Gates, 7 Dawson Road, Glasgow, G4 9SS.

The half-day interactive Masterclass will assist you to:

  • Find solutions to the growing pains you have identified in your business
  • Understand yourself and others in terms of strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify your team players and how to grow them so that you can take a step back

Spaces are limited, so please RSVP to martina@esteemtraining.com to book your place.

9 May: Breakfast time in Edinburgh

For members in and around Edinburgh, join us at FMB’s office on Thursday 9 May from 07.30 onwards for coffee and a light breakfast. We are trialling informal ‘breakfast chats’ held by members, for members and this will be the first one. There is ample free on-street parking outside the office.

Venue: FMB Scotland office, Ground Floor, 5 New Mart Place, Edinburgh, EH14 1RW

To confirm your attendance, email Gordon Nelson.

Meet potential clients and promote the FMB at the SEC, Glasgow

2023 Scottish Homebuilding and Renovating Show
2023 Scottish Homebuilding and Renovating Show

The Homebuilding and Renovating Show comes to Glasgow over the weekend of 11 and 12 May. We will have the FMB stand and like last year, we need local members to help us during the exhibition.

Scotland Board member Stephen O’Neill said ‘At this exhibition in 2023 we helped hundreds of potential clients with me, fellow members and FMB staff giving advice and guidance on why clients should seek out FMB members for their building project. I urge other members to get involved this year, to help promote what you and the FMB are all about. Chances are, you might pick up potential jobs for your business too.’

To find out more, contact Simone McAllister: simonemcallister@fmb.org.uk

FMB Scotland Golf Day

Finally, there is talk of an FMB Scotland Golf Day which is likely to be in early September. If you can swing a golf club and are interested in playing, again drop Simone McAllister an email.


Gordon Nelson

Gordon Nelson

FMB Scotland Hub Director, Federation of Master Builders

Director, Federation of Master Builders Scotland

Gordon has nearly twenty years’ experience of working in membership organisations in Scotland and joined the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) in 2014. Prior to this, he worked at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and for Unilever in business development, membership management and business-to-business marketing roles. Amongst his responsibilities in his role as the Director for FMB Scotland are public affairs, media relations, governance and representing member’s interests to Scottish policy makers and stakeholders within the Scottish construction industry. Gordon is the Secretary of the Cross-Party Group on Construction in the Scottish Parliament, and he is a member of the Scottish Building Standards Futures Board. Gordon represents the FMB on Scotland’s Construction Industry Collective Voice: which is comprised of the leading construction trade and professional bodies. In spring 2023 Gordon was appointed as an industry co-chair of the Construction Leaderships Forum’s (CLF) Transformation Board.

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